New Training: Working with Azure in PowerShell 7

In this 6-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Knox Hutchinson demonstrates how you can begin working with Azure cloud infrastructure resources using PowerShell 7! Watch this new Windows Server training.
Watch the full course: Programming Foundations with PowerShell 7
This training includes:
6 videos
36 minutes of training
You’ll learn these topics in this skill:
The Cloud – The Next Frontier
Connecting to Your Azure Subscription
Working with Azure Virtual Machines
Working with Azure VNets
The Azure Cloud Shell
Summarizing Azure and PowerShell
Virtual Machines in Azure: An Introduction
An Azure Virtual Machine (VM) is a great example of the power of the cloud. By eliminating the hardware normally associated with servers, IT can leverage PowerShell to easily create virtualized servers using any variety of operating systems and settings, reducing costs and both hardware and infrastructure.
PowerShell easily creates Azure VMs with Linux or Windows operating systems, virtual network, security and IP address options. Additionally, you have choices of regions where VMs can be deployed allowing applications to be closer to their intended users. Availability zones can add an extra layer of resiliency by setting up clusters of replicated VMs to instantly come online in case of data center failure.
VMs can be created for application testing purposes with very specific settings, they can be duplicated during peak times and shut them down when computing needs are back to normal. PowerShell goes beyond the creation of resources, it can also connect to the VM to allow further customization. This ability to scale on-demand is a big factor driving adoption of VMs and cloud technologies as a whole.
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