New Skills

New Training: Describe Physical Wireless Communication

by Team Nuggets
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Published on March 2, 2021

In this 8-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Jacob Moran teaches you the essentials of how wireless communication occurs at a physical level. Gain an understanding of radio frequencies and the physical differences between wireless options. And learn how to measure signal strength. Watch this new Cisco training.

Watch the full course: Cisco CCNP Enterprise Core

This training includes:

  • 8 videos

  • 37 minutes of training

You’ll learn these topics in this skill:

  • Describing Physical Wireless Communication Intro

  • Describing Radio Frequencies

  • Describing Wireless Signal Mathematically

  • Measuring Wireless Signal Strengths (EIRP and RSSI)

  • Identifying Wireless Noise Issues

  • Recognizing Wireless Bands and Channels

  • Recognizing the Differences in Wireless 802.11 Standards

  • Identifying Capabilities of Wireless Clients

What's the Difference Between Frequency Bands and Channels?

For any organization or practitioner new to wireless radio communication, some of the general concepts around radio transmission can be elusive. For the means of this short overview, let's start with the basic concepts related to radio transmission. Radio transmission is facilitated by transmitting radio waves between a radio transmitter and receiver. The radio transmitter emits radio waves defined by the frequency of the oscillating wave known as frequency. Radio waves are defined by a certain range of frequencies known as a frequency band, and any other waves that oscillator faster than what's defined in that frequency band would be categorized as a different type of waves such as infrared, visible light, ultra-violet, X-Ray, or Gamma Rays.

Once the concept of radio frequency is understood, frequency channels are simply just agreed upon radio frequency ranges that facilitate radio communication.

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