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What is a Kernel Update – and Why Is It So Important?

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Published on September 11, 2023

Move over, popcorn – we’re not talking about that kind of kernel! Instead, we're talking about the Linux kernel. While not quite as tasty, it's certainly more versatile for IT professionals.

If you use Linux, you’ve probably heard of the Linux kernel, but you might not have given it much thought. The kernel does a lot to deliver Linux to your computer’s display, making it a vital piece of your operating system. From security and bug fixes to feature enhancements, Linux kernel updates bring out the best in this open-source operating system.

Let’s find out more about how this critical aspect of Linux security and development works and its other benefits. 

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What is the Linux Kernel?

The Linux kernel is at the heart of the operating system. It controls almost every aspect of the entire OS, including the CPU, memory, communications buses (such as PCI-E), data storage, and anything else that makes the system tick. Linux uses a kernel model that is sometimes referred to as a monolithic kernel. This means the kernel doesn’t outsource any of its major operations to other subsystems other than the modular segments of the kernel that it doesn’t need exclusive control over.

As a result, everything on your system gets managed via service calls. These include process management, memory management, and concurrency. (Operations can be carried out simultaneously and in any order.) The kernel also manages device drivers, which are called modules in Linux. 

All of this means the Linux kernel is the absolute engine of the operating system (OS), and if anything goes wrong in the kernel, then your system is in trouble. If you have ever had a kernel panic message in Linux, you know a reboot is just around the corner, much like most Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) most Windows users are familiar with. 

As you can see, the kernel is a critical part of your OS, so ensuring it's updated is so important. However, there are other benefits as well. 

Updating the Linux Kernel Improves Security 

Networking is a fundamental part of any modern operating system, and in Linux, the kernel also controls it. If your kernel is outdated, this can have severe security consequences, including unauthorized access to your system, malware infections, and other nasty surprises.

Lots of people work on the Linux kernel, but even these groups of talented people can’t secure the kernel against every single threat. Many kernel vulnerabilities have been discovered over the years, and these go by the name Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, or CVEs. New CVEs are found all the time, and they generally fit into one of the following categories:

  • Dos (Denial of Service): The kernel is spammed with malicious data and commands that use up system resources and make the OS unusable, leading to crashes, freezing, and reboots.

  • Code Execution: Malicious code is injected into the kernel and remotely executed, granting access to intruders or root access to the system. From there, attackers can do almost anything with a compromised system.

  • Overflow: Overflow vulnerabilities allow applications to accept more data than they can store, overflowing from the buffer and overwriting essential system data. This can cause a system to crash or even sometimes allow the system to execute malicious code.

  • Memory Corruption: Memory corruption can cause a computer system to act unexpectedly, generally leading to kernel panics and system crashes. These nasty exploits can render a system unusable and, depending on the type of memory corruption exploit targeted, allow intruders to access it. 

Newer Kernels Support Newer Hardware

One of the main reasons you need to keep your Linux kernel updated is to maintain support for newer hardware like graphics cards, Wi-Fi adapters, CPUs, printers, and more. The Linux kernel developers are constantly adding support for the latest PC components and peripherals.

If you try to use brand-new hardware on an outdated kernel, you'll likely encounter compatibility issues or find that devices don't work. Regularly updating to newer kernel versions ensures your system can leverage the latest hardware advancements. To check your Kernel version, go to a terminal and type this bash command: uname -sr

Updates Help Fix Known Issues

In addition to enhancing hardware support, kernel updates contain important bug fixes that improve stability and address known vulnerabilities. 

The worldwide team of Linux kernel developers is always tweaking the kernel code to optimize performance, close security holes, and squash any bugs that slipped through initial testing. Installing the latest kernel updates applies these fixes to your system so you can experience a more convenient and secure Linux operating system. 

Failing to apply kernel updates regularly leaves your system vulnerable to bugs that may cause crashes, data loss or leave you vulnerable to savvy attackers who know how to exploit weaknesses in the Linux kernel.

Kernel Updates Introduce Shiny New Features

When we update the kernel, it doesn't just allow us to maintain hardware support and apply bug fixes — it also lets us access the shiny new features that developers add with each new release. To check for a kernel update in Ubuntu Linux, run the following commands:

  1. Check your version before you start: uname -sr

  2. Run an update: sudo apt-get update

  3. Finally, run the following command: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

The Linux kernel evolves, with new major versions adding useful functionality like improved I/O performance, better CPU and disk scheduling algorithms, new virtualization and container tools, enhanced real-time support, and more. 

When you stay current with kernel updates, you can take advantage of all the latest performance optimizations, management capabilities, and feature enhancements with each new kernel release. After updating, you can expect your Linux distribution to run faster, smoother, and offer more flexibility. 

Conclusion: Kernel Updates and Their Importance

We hope you found our Linux kernel guide helpful and entertaining and that you now understand what it is and does. The next time you think about how Linux deals with device drivers, updates, and security, we hope that you'll remember this short introduction to Linux kernels.

If you want to pursue a certification in Linux, look at Linux Essentials Online Training to learn real-world skills that will start your journey to becoming a certified Linux IT professional.

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