CBT Nuggets

Outside the Wire

by Team Nuggets
Outside the Wire picture: A
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Published on November 11, 2015

In honor of Veterans Day, CBT Nuggets is launching the "Outside the Wire" program to help prepare U.S. servicemen and women who are leaving the military for civilian careers in information technology. In military terminology, leaving base is going "outside the wire."

Leaving the military at the end of service is the final, and perhaps the biggest, journey outside the wire that service members will ever take. We are giving six months of free training to any eligible service member who applies to the program. We asked CBT Nuggets CEO Dan Charbonneau to tell us more about why Outside the Wire is important to him.

I served in the US Air Force, first by attending the Air Force Academy, then in active service for six years. I worked in a hospital where I served as the military equivalent of an IT director or manager. I was able to see first-hand how the military relies on technology and IT professionals to accomplish its objectives and missions.

There are already pockets of IT careers being developed throughout the military, and "Outside the Wire" gives CBT Nuggets a chance to support the further development of those careers.

An IT career is a good fit for service members returning to civilian life because it's work that's interesting and fun. Many military careers require advanced thinking and technical skills, yet don't have a civilian equivalent job opportunity. With IT, you don't need to have a college degree or graduate degree in IT.

As long as you can do the work, as long as you can demonstrate your expertise and knowledge, there's a place for you. For veterans, that's an important piece. As long as you can learn, you can work. Anybody with the aptitude, anybody who is excited about computers, can learn IT.

Our training is like learning from a friend. Our trainers make the content fun and relatable. They're brilliant and funny, which helps keep learners engaged and ready to learn what they need to be successful in IT.

We care that learners are successful. Service members who take advantage of "Outside the Wire" get our training for free for six months, but they also get accountability coaching with that training. We're here to make sure veterans are taking the steps necessary to accomplish their training goals.

"Outside the Wire" is our way of saying thank you to the brave men and women who serve our country. No other job comes with a promise to give your life if necessary. We would be honored to help them transition to a successful civilian career.

Get started now to take advantage of this opportunity to get free training. Enter to win the chance for us to pay for your exam fees, receive coaching throughout your training experience, and join a community of professionals who can support and appreciate you.

Learn more about Outside the Wire or our Certification Scholarship, and see if you're eligible, here.

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