New Series Release: IPv6

Ready or not, IPv6 is here! Learn all about the latest version of Internet Protocol in "IPv6," a new training series from CBT Nuggets.more
Trainer Keith Barker walks you step-by-step through the concepts, implementation and verification of IPv6 in a Cisco infrastructure, with various clients attached as hosts, including Windows, Linux and Mac. The same concepts can be applied to implement IPv6 to other vendors.
With Keith's straightforward explanations, you'll feel familiar with IPv6 in no time. Plus, this series encourages you to practice alongside Keith. Many of the topology diagrams, startup configuration files and commands used in the videos are included for your use.
If you're implementing an IPv6 network, or have plans to roll out either a test or production IPv6 network soon, (or you simply need to understand how IPv6 works), this training series will be valuable to you. Get this series now!
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