Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate (1Z0-071) Online Training

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    UPDATED: November 15, 2019
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    This Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate (1Z0-071) training covers how to use the fundamental SQL necessary to work with an Oracle Database server. This Oracle training is actually a SQL course that anyone can use to learn the SQL flavor called Oracle SQL. Follow along in the Oracle virtual labs to learn Oracle’s flavor of the popular query language SQL.

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    What you'll learn

    • Learn about Relational Databases
    • Tables, views, and queries in Relational DBs
    • Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
    • Oracle Database Structure and Schema
    • Aggregating, Manipulating, and Retrieving Data
    • Restricting and sorting query results


    What will you learn in this SQL database administration (1Z0-071) training?

    You'll learn real-world skills managing and operating databases with SQL from this training. This course covers all the information necessary to pass 1Z0-071, the certifying exam for the Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate certification. Learn to read and write in the SQL language, perform data modeling and manipulate tables in an Oracle database.

    Who should take this Oracle Database SQL Administrator (1Z0-071) course?

    Anyone who uses databases on a regular basis will benefit from this course, since it's so focused on the fundamentals of the SQL language, but it's especially valuable for database administrators. If you're looking for a cert that sets you apart as a trusted DBA, this training for the Oracle 12c DBA is where you should start.

    Is this training in SQL database administration associated with any certifications?

    Yes, this SQL database administration course was designed to match the test objectives for the OCA Oracle Database 12c DBA certification, 1Z0-071. After taking 1Z0-071, you'll still need to take 1Z0-062 to earn the 12c DBA certification itself, but this course prepares you for the preliminary SQL exam.

    What certification should you consider after taking this course in SQL database administration?

    Oracle offers many different certifications. Some of them are highly focused, like the Oracle Database 12c Maximum Availability Certified Expert, but those are all meant for highly advanced, specialized database experts. Since you're halfway to the 12c DBA once you finish this course, that's the recommended certification after this training.

    Why should you take this Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate (1Z0-071) training?

    Obviously anyone who wants a career in database administration will want to eventually get certified by Oracle as a DBA with the 12c, but you don't have to plan on certifying to take this course. Anyone who uses databases on a regular basis would benefit from knowing the language that makes databases operate and should take this course.

    Who is this for?

    This Database Associate training is considered associate-level Oracle training, which means it was designed for data analysts, database administrators, and anyone who needs to learn the Oracle SQL query language. This 1Z0-071 course is valuable for new IT professionals with at least a year of experience with Oracle databases and experienced data professionals looking to validate their Oracle skills.


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    • This is the gold standard of video training. You always hear in grade school or college that the best teachers are the ones who are passionate in their field. The CBT Nuggets team are extremely passionate and get you motivated for the material.

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    Study plan

    Download the free (1Z0-071) study plan to complete this course in about 7 hours.

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