Ember JS Essentials Online Training

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    UPDATED: April 13, 2022

    This intermediate Ember JS Essentials training teaches software developers how to build scalable, single-page web applications using Ember JS, a powerful JavaScript framework. Learn to create efficient, reliable web apps and save time with best practices for UI development. Perfect for onboarding new developers, team training, or as a JavaScript reference resource.

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    What you'll learn

    • Installing and running the Ember CLI
    • Navigating the Ember framework, terminology and concepts
    • Testing your application inside Ember’s test harness
    • Creating Ember add-ons and nesting your UI
    • Building complex applications that are actually smaller, composed apps


    What will you learn in this Ember Javascript training?

    This course covers what Ember.js is, what it's best used for, how to read it and how to write in it. Starting at the 30,000-foot view, learn what JavaScript frameworks are and how to choose the right one, then move on to using it and writing great single-page web applications in it.

    Who should take this Ember JS course?

    This course is meant for web developers and app developers who need a well-structured and reliable JavaScript framework that empowers you and your team to build reusable and maintainable JS web apps you can deploy across multiple projects. If you're building single-page web apps for large-scale, enterprise-level websites, you should take this Ember JS course.

    Is this training in the fundamentals of Ember JS associated with any certifications?

    No, this course doesn't prepare you for any particular Ember certifications. Unlike other technologies, Ember JS doesn't have a vendor – and no professional organization publishes certifications for Ember. Some courses and schools offer a certificate, but not actual certifications. You'll gain valuable experience in web development, though, and that can help with some IT certifications.

    What certification should you consider after taking this course in the essentials of Ember JS?

    Rather than lead toward a certification, this course will show you how to produce single-page web applications for large networks. You'll have virtual simulations and digital sandboxes to build in and develop your skills. Web development certifications can run the risk of questionable value, but real, tangible skills in development will serve you well in the industry.

    Why should you take this Ember Javascript Essentials training?

    You should learn the essentials of Ember JS because although it's not one of the most popular frameworks in the world, it is one of the more powerful for what it does best. Master the client-side development framework that provides data management and application flow and unlock some of the best jobs in web app development.

    Who is this for?

    This Ember JS Essentials training is considered professional-level JavaScript training, which means it was designed for software developers. This JavaScript skills course is designed for software developers with three to five years of experience with JavaScript.


    What our learners say

    • The more I put into learning, the more skills I’m going to have — and the better I’m going to be technically.

      Knox Hutchinson | CBT Nuggets trainer since 2018
    • Practice exams help you have an overview of your readiness. If you have failed a couple questions in one area, you can go back and work on them.

      Harold M. | Network Administrator
    • I didn't ever think I'd have the position I have now.

      Jenna B. | Service Operations Manager
    Study plan

    Download the free Ember JS Essentials Online Training study plan to complete this course in about 6 hours.

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