CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-005) Online Training

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    UPDATED: August 21, 2023
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    This CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-005) training covers how to manage, administer and troubleshoot the operations of a Linux system, server or network. Use this course to prepare for the XK0-005 exam, which is needed to earn the Linux+ certification that validates your skills managing and administering Linux systems and networks.

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    What you'll learn

    • Managing the Linux installation and architecture
    • Navigating GNU and using Unix commands
    • Writing and executing shells and scripts
    • Administering Linux-based systems and servers


    What will you learn in this CompTIA Linux+ training?

    You'll learn every last technical skill necessary to work with Linux in basically any entry-level IT position. Whether Linux is the sole emphasis of the position or one of many necessary competencies, you'll know enough after this course to feel comfortable securing, managing, and administering any Linux-powered network.

    Who should take this Linux+ (XK0-005) course?

    Network administrators, systems administrators, web developers, cloud engineers, and cybersecurity engineers should all take this Linux+ course, as should anyone who wants to eventually hold one of those positions. If you need Linux to do your current or future job, you should take this course that prepares you for every part of the OS.

    Is this training in CompTIA XK0-005 associated with any certifications?

    Yes, this course is specially designed for XK0-005, the certification exam for CompTIA's Linux+ certification.

    What certification should you consider after taking this CompTIA Linux+ course?

    You'll want to get the Linux+ after you take this course. Other certifications that may interest you include LPI's LPIC-1 and LPIC-2, both of which are offered here at CBT Nuggets.

    Why should you take this CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-005) training?

    Realistically, you should only take this course if you might run into Linux some day and need to know how to use it. But, considering Linux runs the vast majority of data centers in the world, is the kernel that drives almost all mobile phones, and is the preferred OS for tons of machines, that's basically anyone with any IT job.

    Who is this for?

    This CompTIA Linux+ training is considered foundational-level Linux training, which means it was designed for junior systems admins. This Linux skills course is designed for junior systems admins with three to five years of experience with Linux.


    What our learners say

    • Practice exams help you have an overview of your readiness. If you have failed a couple questions in one area, you can go back and work on them.

      Harold M. | Network Administrator
    • You constantly have to invest in training for your people.

      Rick N. | CEO
    • Very easy and fun way to learn. Keith Barker is my favorite, he'll throw in jokes here and there and it makes me remember certain study points. I highly recommend this app and purchasing subscriptions, it is truly worth the money.

      Joshua E. | IT Systems Administrator
    Study plan

    Download the free Linux+ study plan to complete this course in about 32 hours.

    Download study plan

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