Automating AWS Application Integration Services Tutorial

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    UPDATED: August 4, 2023

    This AWS automation tutorial covers how to automate complex relationships with AWS tools and services that connect applications and systems automatically. This course on automating application integration services shows you what tools and services AWS has for simplifying the development of cloud applications and provides practical guidance on how to utilize them effectively.

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    What you'll learn

    • Creating seamless connections between applications and systems in AWS
    • Designing and implementing event-driven architectures
    • Building serverless integrations with AWS tools and services
    • Automating complex business workflows


    Is it worth it to learn about automating application integration services on AWS?

    Yes, AWS has dozens of software applications and services that are worth learning on their own and knowing how to automate them and their interactions is additionally worthwhile. Whether you're just getting started as a solutions architect or cloud administrator, or you're trying to advance your career prospects, understanding how to connect and coordinate the various services in the AWS ecosystem is among the most valuable ways to do so.

    How much do AWS application integration certifications cost?

    The skills and knowledge about application integration and automation that you'll learn in this course could apply to different Associate-level, Professional-level or Specialty certifications. AWS Associate certifications like Solutions Architect (Associate) cost $150 (except for the Data Engineer Associate, which costs $75). AWS Professional certs like Solutions Architect (Professional) cost $300, as do Specialty certs like Data Analytics.

    How difficult is it to learn how to automate application integration services?

    Learning to automate application integration services on AWS is moderately difficult for two reasons. First, learning to automate application integration services requires knowing the services themselves and how they operate them – and there are a lot of them! Not only that, it's not just about connecting applications but about enabling businesses to thrive: that means understanding what applications and services your organization actually needs and how best to automate and connect them.

    Do application integration service-related certifications from AWS expire?

    Yes, all AWS certifications (and the certs you'd be working toward by taking this course) are good for three years. If you want (or need) to keep your certification active, then within that three year window, you'll need to recertify. If you earn an application integration service and automation-related cert, you'll need to retake the cert's exam before it expires. AWS doesn't accept forms of recertification like continuing education credits.

    How to study for automating application integration services?

    First of all, learning how to automate application integration services calls for having access to the services and applications themselves. So you'll want a fully featured AWS account, or a virtualized environment where you can learn the apps and their function. Next, you need real-world practice with solving business problems through automation and application integration – ideally, you'd find a course with examples so that you're not always making up your own challenges.

    Who is this for?

    This AWS training is considered associate-level AWS training, which means it was designed for cloud developers. This AWS skills course is designed for cloud developers with three to five years of experience with cloud computing.


    What our learners say

    • Practice exams help you have an overview of your readiness. If you have failed a couple questions in one area, you can go back and work on them.

      Harold M. | Network Administrator
    • The more I put into learning, the more skills I’m going to have — and the better I’m going to be technically.

      Knox Hutchinson | CBT Nuggets trainer since 2018
    • It feels like the best and the brightest people are training with you — and they are just hanging out with you and showing you the ropes.

      John McCann | IT manager and CBT Nuggets learner
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