Meet the Trainer: Ben Finkel
Where he lives: Western New York. Currently in a suburb of Buffalo. But later this month, he and his family are moving up to a suburb of Niagara Falls called Youngstown. It's a small village that sits right at the mouth of the Niagara River, where it empties into Lake Ontario. It's a big-time sail-boating town.
Area of expertise: Software development and database programming. He has many years of experience with Microsoft products such as Visual Basic and .NET, and SQL Server. He's also very familiar with all areas of web software development.
When he's not creating CBT Nuggets, you can find him: Either on the slopes skiing and snowboarding, hanging out with his wife and their young son (who has another sibling on the way!), or just reading and playing video games. He said that he hopes maybe in a year or two, the kids will be old enough that they can all start learning how to sail.
The best part about being a trainer is: Learning all of these great new technologies, and working with a community of people who are all passionate about learning, and just generally being a part of a culture that values learning the way he does. He loves sitting down and working through an involved or complex topic so that he can competently speak about it on screen.
He's passionate about video training because: It's a perfect medium to use his voice and passion to communicate and demonstrate a topic. He also thinks video sessions are easily "consumed" because they're so visual and new technologies enable us to view them any where and at any time. Tablets rule!
Stay connected with Ben by following him on Twitter.
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