New Training: Understanding and Using APIs

In this 29-video, entry-level training, CBT Nuggets trainer Ben Finkel covers the knowledge network administrators need to use APIs to accelerate and simplify repetitive, yet, complex processes into something reusable and versatile.
Watch this REST API training.
This training is the perfect place to start if you know you’ll eventually be dealing with setting up server interactions or hosting microservices. This course introduces you to the fundamentals of working with APIs.
The five skills that comprise this training are:
REST API Fundamentals
REST API Requests and Responses
Parameters and Payloads for REST APIs
Authentication with HTTP and REST
Use Postman for REST API Interaction
The five-part series covers topics such as understanding how APIs allow applications to speak with one another, delivering client requests to providers and understanding responses, and writing reusable code to speed application development as well as:
HTTP Auth with Postman
HTTP Headers
Request and Response
HTTP Requests and Responses Summary
Postman Scripts
This training includes:
1 hour of training
29 videos
Watch a video from the series:
Here's some more network programmability-related content from the CBT Nuggets blog:
7 Skills Every Employee Should Learn
Start learning network programmability today!
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