New Training: PowerShell 7
In this 96-video, entry-level training, CBT Nuggets trainers Garth Schulte, Knox Hutchinson, and Trevor Sullivan cover the foundational knowledge systems administrators need to make full use of the new features and tools included in the most recent version of PowerShell.
Watch this Powershell 7 training.
The seventeen-part series covers everything you need to know about PowerShell. It introduces the many new PowerShell 7 features from pipeline parallelization to new operators. It also covers PowerShell basics.
The seventeen skills that comprise this series are:
PowerShell 7 Introduction
PowerShell Basics
The trainers designed this course to help anyone get up to speed on PowerShell quickly to start scripting and automating.
While this course may not map directly to an exam, sysadmins should expect to see PowerShell topics on many role-based Microsoft exams.
Topics this training covers include:
Get-Help, Update-Help, and Save-Help
Web Operations – A Big Win
Writing a Killer Script
PowerShell 7 Overview
This training includes:
9 hour of training
96 videos
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