New Course: Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE)
In this 113-video Palo Alto training, CBT Nuggets trainer Keith Barker covers the knowledge security engineers need to hardware and software, management and operation of security platforms and have the ability to troubleshoot network security issues.
Watch this new Palo Alto Security training.
Security engineers are kept on their toes these days. Network intruders are becoming more savvy to common security practices, creating new attacks to exploit vulnerabilities on a daily basis. Every yin has a yang however, and that is where Palo Alto security engineers shine. You stay one step ahead of the game as you Deployment and Configuration of Palo Alto hardware and software, manage and operate security platforms, configure redundancies and take command of Network Security Issues.
The 15-part series covers topics such as security Management Concepts, deployment and Configuration of Palo Alto Hardware and Software, and management and Operation of Security Platforms.
Watch a video from the series:
The skills that comprise this series include:
Topics this training covers include:
Overview of Dynamic Groups
Authentication Settings
Import FW Configuration
Introduction to Firewall HA
Apps, Groups, & Filters
This training includes:
15 hour of training
113 videos
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