Training / New Courses

New Course: Google Sheets

by Team Nuggets
New Course: Google Sheets picture: A
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Published on April 28, 2021

In this 33-video, entry-level training, CBT Nuggets trainer Simona Millham covers the knowledge technical or non-technical professionals need to feel comfortable navigating and using Google Sheets to process data, write formulas and present data in persuasive and striking charts.

Watch this new Google training.

Most people don’t tend to get very excited about spreadsheets. For plenty of people, spreadsheets are about as exciting as — well, hundreds and thousands of rows and columns of numbers.

But what usually gets people excited about spreadsheets is the meaning and value that can be pulled out of data. Google Sheets is a great spreadsheet tool that puts tools of explanation, revelation and persuasion into the hands of a skilled user. You can uncover unexpected profit losses, save yourself tons of time, and create striking imagery to prove your point. This Google Sheets training helps make sure you know exactly how to. But watch out, it won’t be long until you’re one of those people who gets excited about spreadsheets.

The six-part series covers topics such as formatting data, charts and spreadsheets, writing formulas — simple and complex — that process data for you, and extracting useful information from cold data with charts and data visualizations.

Watch a video from the series:

The skills that comprise this series include:

Topics this training covers include:

  • Other Visualisations

  • Formatting

  • Introducing Functions

  • Text Functions

  • Percentages

This training includes:

3 hour of training

33 videos

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