New Course: Cisco CCNP Data Center (350-601 DCCOR)
In this 538-video, intermediate training, CBT Nuggets trainers Jeff Kish and David Smith cover the knowledge network engineers need to implement, secure, and automate network, compute and storage infrastructure for a Cisco Data Center and qualify for expert-level job roles.
Watch this new Cisco Data Center training.
The modern economy depends on cloud computing, blazing-fast internet, automation, and much more. Delivering those essential services requires well-staffed, professional Cisco data centers.
The 77-part training covers topics such as implementing routing and switching protocols in a data center environment, describing Cisco Cloud Service and deployment models, and implementing Fibre Channel, UCS(R) Fabric Interconnect and server abstraction.
Watch a video from the course:
The skills that comprise this course include:
Topics this training covers include:
Setting up the OTV Environment
Review and Quiz
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
Configuring OTV FHRP Blocking
This training includes:
69 hour of training
538 videos
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