New Training: Junos User Interfaces
In this 18-video, entry-level training, CBT Nuggets trainer Knox Hutchinson covers the knowledge network administrators need to use and make the most of the Junos operating system’s multiple user interfaces — necessary for managing Juniper networking devices.
Watch this Junos course.
It’s not hard to imagine a network administrator who feels great when it comes to configuring Juniper devices, but struggles with switching between their different user interfaces. There’s no shame in struggling to keep straight the different commands, unique symbology and functionality of the different UIs.
This training is made to familiarize network administrators with the Junos OS command-line interface (CLI), Juno XML API and protocols, and J-Web graphical user interface. If you administer Juniper devices but sometimes struggle with speaking their language, get your feet under you with this training.
The two-part series covers topics such as using and writing in the command line interface’s two essential modes, customizing your CLI environment for usability and security, and understanding the Junos XML API so you can markup your own documents as well as:
The two skills that comprise this series are:
Navigate the Junos CLI
Understand Junos Configuration Datastores
While this training may not map to a certification, it’s still valuable skills training for network administrators looking to learn Junos terminal UIs.
Topics this training covers include:
Configure Private
Comparing Candidate and Active Configurations
The Help Command
Navigating Configuration (or Edit) Mode
Navigating Junos Operational Mode
This training includes:
1 hour of training
18 videos
Watch a video from the series:
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