New Training: Implementing Microsoft 365 Security and Threat Management
In this 13-video, intermediate training, CBT Nuggets trainer John Munjoma covers the knowledge systems administrators need to configure and manage Microsoft 365’s tools for confirming identities and spotting threats early to provide all-around security and comprehensive network protection.
One of the reasons that many companies opt for Microsoft 365 is how much functionality the software suite takes care of. But many of those services and tools — especially the security and threat management ones — don’t work perfectly out of the box. This Implementing Microsoft 365 Security and Threat Management training will demonstrate the power of those tools and instruct a systems administrator in configuring and managing them. This training will help any systems administrator who finds themselves responsible for user access, permissions, security reporting and alerts feel confident with Microsoft 365’s tools.
The series covers topics such as managing the built-in security features Microsoft 365 offers, activating and monitoring audit logging, and providing anti-malware, anti-phishing, and anti-spam protection to users as well as:
The two skills that comprise this series are:
Plan for Microsoft Cloud Application Security
Manage Security Reports and Alerts
While this training may not map to a certification, it’s still valuable skills training for systems administrators looking to learn Microsoft 365 security tools.
Topics this training covers include:
Configuring External Mail Tip
Working With Secure Score
Managing Cloud App Security Alerts
Configuring Activity Policies
Configuring ATP Policies
This training includes:
1 hour of training
13 videos
Watch a video from the series:
Here's some more Microsoft 365 security tools-related content from the CBT Nuggets blog:
5 IT Security Trends to Watch in 2018 and Beyond
Enhance Your IT Security Resume in 7 Steps
Futuristic Security Tools Available Right Now
Start learning Microsoft 365 security tools today!
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