Technology / Networking

Cisco vs. Juniper

by Karin Klinger
Cisco vs. Juniper picture: A
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Published on April 8, 2017

We spent the week comparing and contrasting Cisco and Juniper networks, pros and cons of each vendor, explored blended networks, and even dared to ask: Rebellion or Empire?

  • We take a look at why Juniper can be a better bet than its competitors and why it's good for both users and networking professionals. 5 Reasons to Choose Juniper Networks

  • We compare and contrast Cisco and Juniper to find out which network comes out on top. Are you a member of the scrappy networking Rebellion or an elite of the Empire? Networking Wars: Cisco vs. Juniper

  • Cisco still dominates the industry as the premier networking vendor for enterprise solutions. We explore how Cisco continues to prove its value and why Cisco will continue to rock. 6 Reasons Why Cisco Networks Rock

  • We explore the pros and cons of blended networking environments, where products from competing vendors work together to meet the needs of the organization. The Blended Network Environment

  • Choosing the right certifications to map your networking career can be complicated. But with a little help from our expert trainers, we offer an infographic to help you map your perfect pathway. Mapping Your IT Networking Career Pathway

  • Curious about how the debate has evolved in recent years? For a more up‑to‑date look at why some organizations might now lean toward Juniper, check out our post Cisco vs. Juniper: Why Juniper in 2025.

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