Strategy / Communication

How to Effectively Communicate with Salesforce Classic

by Team Nuggets
How to Effectively Communicate with Salesforce Classic picture: A
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Published on November 14, 2017

Knowing how to reach out to and interact with your customers, as well as your own team, can be a challenge, but luckily, Salesforce is here to save the day! Salesforce is so adaptive that it enables you to communicate with your audience in several different ways.

Chat, Post, Like

Is your staff full of social media gurus who function in the Twitterverse or post religiously to Instagram? If so, Chatter can be a useful tool within Salesforce to help your team communicate. Chatter is similar to the feed on Facebook. You can comment on and like other posts, take polls or post images, and follow people and posts!

Chatter is a fun way to get your teams involved in real-time communication and lets you create groups for different teams. Groups can be private or public, and you can create private groups and invite customers!

Get Ready for the Millennials!

If Chatter seems dated for your team, you can take your communication to the next level. You can use Salesforce Communities to create a forum for your team to more easily communicate with, as it functions as a newer, more robust version of Chatter. Instead of forcing users to deal with confusing email chains or internal chat services, they can post at will and have real-time conversations.

And you can use Communities to create forums and sites for your customers, as well. There are all kinds of security controls that keep the forums running smoothly and with positive tones, but this also allows your customers to interact with each other and their sales teams or support teams. Start talking WITH each other!

Keep It Old School

Need to track issues and requests the old fashioned way with email? Salesforce has you covered there as well. Salesforce allows you to use your own email services and forward emails into Salesforce to create cases. Say what? Don't worry, it's not complicated. Instead of opening Outlook every day, a team can go directly to Salesforce and manage issues and requests through email. This way, your customers and your team can use the same process to make requests and you never lose track.

Get Moving

Just like most tech companies, Salesforce is mobile. Salesforce1 is a mobile app that is available for iPhone or Android devices and keeps you connected. Salesforce1 lets you access most of the features you use in Salesforce, including Communities, Chatter, and Email. You can even receive notifications to make sure you stay up to date on your customers.

Get Their Attention, and Keep It



Do we have your attention? Good!

Getting customers and your team to use a new feature can be tricky, but making sure they keep using it can be a battle, too. No, free things and gift cards are not a feature of Salesforce but they are powerful tools for you to make sure all the hard work you are doing doesn't go to waste. They call it gamification and it's truly the way of the future.

These are just a handful of ways that you can use Salesforce to communicate internally and externally. Salesforce has pieces for almost every aspect of your communication puzzle. Let Salesforce bring it all together for your teams and your customers so that you can keep having seamless and effortless conversations.

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