New Skills

New Training: Scanning, Monitoring, and Patching

by Team Nuggets
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Published on March 15, 2021

In this 12-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Keith Barker teaches you about various scanning, monitoring, and patching processes, such as network, port, and vulnerability scanning; packet and traffic analysis; and patch management. Watch this new networking training.

Watch the full course: CompTIA Network+

This training includes:

  • 12 videos

  • 1.3 hours of training

You’ll learn these topics in this skill:

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Scanning Overview

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Network Scanning Methodology

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Port Scanning and Discovery

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: OS Discovery and Fingerprinting

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Motivators for Vulnerability Management

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Vulnerability Scanning

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Logging and Review

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Packet and Traffic Analysis

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Packet Capture and Analysis Lab

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Remediation and Patch Management

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Network Scanning with NMAP and Zenmap Lab

  • Scanning, Monitoring & Patching: Baselines

Port Scanning Includes Scanning For ICMP, TCP, and UDP Responses

It is the job of InfoSec engineers to secure the IT environment for organizations. Businesses are under constant threat of cyber-attacks. To secure IT systems from blackhat hackers, InforSec Engineers need to think and operate like them. One of the methods that hackers use to discover information about an IT system to infiltrate it is port scanning.

Port scanning is typically performed during the reconnaissance phase of an attack. It is used to find any open ports in an IT system that might respond to requests a hacker sends to the network. InfoSec engineers can use this same methodology to find vulnerabilities in their network and patch them before they can be used.

Port scanning typically involves scanning networks for three types of packet requests. These can be ICMP, TCP, and UDP packets. Each protocol responds to port requests in a different way, so InfoSec engineers need to scan all the ports on a network for each type of request. Once a response has been found on an open port, engineers can examine it to see if it needs remediation.

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