New Training: Managing Cloud Resources with AWS CloudFormation and PowerShell
In this 6-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Trevor Sullivan how to combine the power of AWS CloudFormation and PowerShell to manage your AWS cloud resources! Watch this new AWS training.
Watch the full course: AWS Cloud Automation
This training includes:
6 videos
1.1 hours of training
You’ll learn these topics in this skill:
What is AWS CloudFormation and Why PowerShell
Setting Up Your Development Environment for AWS CloudFormation
Explore AWS CloudFormation Commands in PowerShell
Deploy an AWS CloudFormation Template using PowerShell
Invoke Drift Detection on a CloudFormation Stack with PowerShell
Remove CloudFormation Stacks with PowerShell
Why Use PowerShell to Automate AWS CloudFormation?
AWS CloudFormation is a managed service that enables you to rapidly provision cloud resources. Because cloud resources in CloudFormation are defined in a JSON or YAML data serialization format, you can version control your resource configuration alongside your code.
PowerShell is a powerful open source, object-oriented, and cross-platform automation language. PowerShell is built on the Microsoft .NET Core framework, which enables it to run on any major operating system. DevOps engineers can utilize PowerShell as "glue" code between many different services, including the entire AWS cloud platform.
Using the AWS Tools for PowerShell, you can automate many aspects of the CloudFormation service. You can deploy new CloudFormation stacks, clean up unused stacks, invoke drift detection against a stack, monitor stack events, deploy cross-region and cross-account StackSets, and much more.
Here are some practical use cases for automating the AWS CloudFormation service using the AWS Tools for PowerShell.
Reduce attack surface of your AWS account, by cleaning up unused resources
Periodically perform automated application deployments and execute load tests
Replicate resources across multiple AWS regions and accounts
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