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New Training: Cisco Collaboration: Troubleshooting Phone Registration

by Team Nuggets
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Published on April 6, 2021

In this 8-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Lalo Nunez reviews the boot process of a SIP endpoint and discusses the different reasons an endpoint may not register. Gain an understanding of CUCM logs and Wireshark captures to help identify the root cause for an endpoint not registering. Watch this new Cisco training.

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This training includes:

  • 8 videos

  • 53 minutes of training

You’ll learn these topics in this skill:

  • Phone Registration Review

  • Troubleshooting Phone Registration

  • Collecting logs from CUCM

  • CUCM Logs – SIP Phone Registration

  • Phone Wireshark capture

  • Wireshark – SIP Phone Registration

  • Examining Wireshark captures

  • Performing a hard reset

Wireshark Can Be Used To Diagnose Network Issues, Too

Wireshark is a network analysis application often touted as a tool for penetration testing. Wireshark is capable of capturing packet information in a network, both in stealthy and non-stealthy fashions, and presenting that data in a human-readable format. This application isn't just for penetration testing, though. It can easily be used for network diagnostics, too.

One of the useful ways that Wireshark helps IT admins is by understanding network flow. It can help see the path in a network that network traffic takes. By using this data, network admins can see where packets might potentially run into an issue.

For example, network admins can use Wireshark to help diagnose issues with a VoIP telephony system. This is possible since most telephone systems in organizations route voice data through the data network itself. So, if network traffic from a specific device, such as a phone, continually fails to pass through the phone registration system, it may indicate that there is a registration issue with that phone. IT admins can use this data to see where failure points exist and remediate them.

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