Certifications / Security

5 Common Security Threats & How Users Can Prevent Them

by Team Nuggets
5 Common Security Threats & How Users Can Prevent Them picture: A
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Published on November 29, 2017

There are a lot of simple and quick actions users can take to prevent security threats. In his most recent webinar, Keith Barker highlighted five common threats and how to prevent them.

Here are the five threats Keith addressed and their timestamps

0:28: Sniffing out Phishing Email Attacks 2:50: Eliminating Weak Passwords 5:41: Why Password Managers Rock 7:14: The Need for Multi-factor Authentication 10:34: Malware and Why it's so Bad

Keith Barker brings nearly 30 years of IT experience to CBT Nuggets, where he has been a trainer since 2012. He holds a variety of IT security certifications including Cisco CCIE Security and ISC2 CISSP. Keith recently completed his End-User Security Awareness training course for CBT Nuggets.

Ultimate Security Cert Guide

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