Certifications / Microsoft

This week: AZ-500

by Team Nuggets
This week: AZ-500 picture: A
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Published on February 19, 2021

This week was All About Azure. What security threats can Azure help prevent? Should you take the AZ-500 cert exam? What are its pros and cons?

Is the AZ-500 Worth It?

Certifications are typically the safest investment you can make. But that doesn't mean you should rush to get one. We discussed the pros and cons of earning the new AZ-500 cert.

Who Should Take the AZ-500?

The AZ-500 is Microsoft Azure's flagship security credential. Unfortunately, it may not be clear who should take this exam. Here, we examined who might be interested in it.

Azure Security Center: Top 3 Best Practices

As cloud computing becomes more and more pervasive, so will threats toward the data stored within it. We covered some security threats that can be identified and mitigated using Azure Security Center.

Ultimate Security Cert GuideUltimate Security Cert Guide

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