Certifications / Cloud

New Course: VMware Horizon 6 (with View)

by Raju Woodward
New Course: VMware Horizon 6 (with View) picture: A
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Published on February 7, 2015

What's that? Keith Barker has finished another course? This time it's VMware Horizon 6 (with View)! Join Keith as he covers one of VMware's most powerful virtualization products, including topics such as creating manual pools, using security servers, and more. Keith shared some his thoughts about his latest course here:

Q: What was your favorite Nugget to create?

"Deploying Linked Clones." It was just so fun to see Horizon View crank out VM (virtual machine) after VM, with each one being perfectly added to AD (active directory), and ready to go. Very fun to see that.

Q: What roadblocks did you come across when creating this training and how did you overcome them?

Windows, specifically the time it took to verify whether or not a customization specification (a VMware thing) with or without a sysprep script (a Microsoft thing) would work correctly. I spent four days learning which combinations DON'T work.  I was able to share the working solution in the Nuggets, so I feel great about saving someone all that time.

Q: From a student-perspective, what did you keep in mind when creating this course?

Fundamentals of how Horizon works, how to configure it, and how to verify it is working. There is so much documentation out there about fine tuning and optimization, and I wanted the student to be able to stay focused on the fundamentals. My hope is that after the student goes through the videos (and practices hands on as well), he/she will get a working knowledge of Horizon View, and after it is working, can spend as much time as they want in the fine tuning and tweaking based on the requirements of the business.

Q: Any outside-of-the-box tips for students to get the most out of your course?

Have a lab and practice. That isn't really outside the box, but it is a key ingredient. They can also use VMware's Hands-on Labs to practice some of the Horizon View configuration if they don't have access to a practice lab.

Q: What's one real-world application someone can expect to use, thanks to this course?

Saving hundreds of hours in the rollout of virtual machines, by knowing how Horizon View works, and knowing how to configure it.

What are you waiting for? Start watching this course today.

Why should you learn VMware? Here are Keith's top reasons

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