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7 Organizations Using Salesforce That Will Shock You

by Team Nuggets
7 Organizations Using Salesforce That Will Shock You picture: A
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Published on November 16, 2017

If you are new to Salesforce, it might be hard to envision many uses for the platform, but a wide variety of companies use Salesforce in so many unique ways. Several might even surprise you!

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services is a cloud powerhouse and we all know that, but you'd be wrong to assume Amazon manages every process of the platform in-house. Amazon recognizes the power of the Salesforce platform and it has helped Amazon adapt and grow with their customers in record time. Using Custom Apps in Salesforce for budget management and exploring Communities for educational outreach has given AWS a true advantage in dominating the cloud space. Explosive growth has the potential to pollute the best of companies, but Amazon was able to take the journey with Salesforce and its customers to the next level! 

Carlo's Bakery

AKA THE Cake Boss: What do you do when your sales increase by 1000%? You put the pencil down and hold on tight! Buddy Valastro, the Cake Boss, had to find a better way to manage sales and went with Salesforce Sales Cloud. Using Sales Cloud, Buddy can manage any order, whether it is direct to his consumers or to his many other business accounts.

UC Health

Salesforce and the healthcare field appears to be an unlikely combination, but for UC Health, the CRM platform was a natural fit. UC Health is using Salesforce Platform, formerly known as App Cloud, to gather and analyze data that are used to improve the way cancer patients are treated. UC Health recognized cancer is not a one-size-fits-all disease and there is no one-size-fits-all cure, so they developed a Wisdom Study that categorizes individual variability in genes, differences in the biology of cancers that arise, environment, lifestyle, and the performance of clinical interventions to tailor communication to each patient.

American Red Cross

How in the world is the Red Cross using Salesforce? The answer might shock you. What if we told you they use social media to track responses to surveys and watch trends? Marketing Cloud to the rescue, folks. But it doesn't end there. The Red Cross also uses Sales Cloud to stay connected with their volunteers. Training volunteers and getting them to respond to incidents is easier than ever with the cloud, which means help gets where it's needed more promptly and efficiently. 


Each month, more than 25 million people visit CareerBuilder's site to find jobs and get advice. With this kind of traffic and engagement, Marketing Cloud might seem like the obvious choice for a company like CareerBuilder, and that assumption wouldn't be wrong! But what other Salesforce products does CareerBuilder use as a goldmine of opportunity and connections? Data.com/! It is impossible to sell to a space you don't know exists, and Career Builder uses Data.com/ to find those spaces and move in for the win!

New Jersey Transit

Servicing thousands of customers a day is a challenge in itself, but communicating with all of those customers adds to the complexity. Using Service Cloud allowed NJ Transit to create a uniform tool for its support force to use. And what a success it has been: NJ Transit was able to use Service Cloud's robust functionality to decrease response time by days AND it didn't even have to hire more employees. No surprise here, but New Jersey Transit now is using social media along with Salesforce to participate in conversations

The City of San Francisco

This may be the most surprising Salesforce user of all. The City of San Francisco uses Salesforce! Officials wanted a way to engage with their citizens and decided to start using Marketing Cloud to make it happen. Using social media was one way for them to reach out to their citizens, but Marketing Cloud gives the city a way to truly engage with and listen to residents. The city is facilitating conversations, and even going mobile with their force!

These organizations are just scratching the surface in regard to what Salesforce can do for them, and you can do the same. Keep your mind open and let your imagination lead the way with the Salesforce platform, Curious to find out who else uses Salesforce and how? Salesforce many more success stories on their website.

If you're ready to better your Salesforce skills and knowledge, CBT Nuggets is the way to go!

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