Certifications / Cloud

5 Reasons to Learn VMware

by Raju Woodward
5 Reasons to Learn VMware picture: A
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Published on September 18, 2014

Virtualization is one of the fastest-growing areas of IT. Why? Because it helps streamline operations, which saves time, money, and space. VMware's vSphere platform is an industry leader. Here are five reasons you should start learning VMware technology, courtesy of CBT Nuggets trainer and virtualization pro-Keith Barker.

Everything is Changing

Virtualization solutions are being implemented to use less hardware and save on power, and, through automation, perform tasks such as rolling out new servers in minutes instead of hours. Virtualization is affecting everything. You might be sinking in the water if you are not on board the boat.

VMware is One of the Biggest Vendors in Virtualization

VMware's vSphere is a proven and reliable virtualization platform that is used by hundreds of thousands of customers. If you're going to play ball, you should be affiliated with a winning team. VMware is a winning team.

The Demand for VMware Skills is High

Learning these skills is a win-win scenario. VMware skills will leverage your existing experience with networking and/or servers and build on that as you implement and manage virtualized environments.

You'll Benefit From Testing and Snapshots

The opportunity to take a snapshot in time and revert to that snapshot (especially in a test or lab environment) is precious. VMware products allow snapshots that can facilitate rapid testing and rollbacks.

It Offers Fault Tolerance (FT) and High Availability (HA)

Critical systems that need to be up constantly can use VMware's high availability features. Having the skills to implement and verify these solutions are important skills that employers need.

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