Certifications / Cisco

This Week: Cisco Certpocalypse is Here

by Raju Woodward
This Week: Cisco Certpocalypse is Here picture: A
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Published on February 28, 2020

By now you've probably heard that Cisco shook up its certification program, especially at the CCNA level. If you haven't, surprise! This week on the blog, we reviewed all the changes going into effect and how they might impact you.

Nine Cisco Certs Retire Today: What Now?

Bye bye old CCNA certs, hello new CCNA cert! There's now one Cisco CCNA certification — and only one exam to pass as well. So, what does this mean for IT professionals who want to specialize?

5 Reasons We're Excited About DevNet

You'd be hard-pressed to find more anticipated IT certification in recent years than Cisco's just released DevNet Associate. Here's why there's a lot of hype and excitement around DevNet.

UPDATED: Ultimate Cisco Certification Guide

The Cisco certification program has changed. This guide covers the new certifications in the Cisco certification program.

Ultimate Networking Cert Guide

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