New Cisco CCNA Labs: Cisco for the Real World Series

Jeremy Cioara
Introducing "Cisco CCNA Labs: Cisco for the Real World," a new, one-of-a-kind video series from CBT Nuggets. There's ExamPrep and there's "real-world," and while we always try to bridge the gap and offer both in our video series, this one strays from that path. This series is pure real-world. Jeremy Cioara has always wanted to do a series like this, focused squarely on realistic scenarios that happen every day. So we made it real. This is a user-directed training experience. After the first video was completed, we made it available to the public along with a survey to collect information from the viewers. The remaining videos in the series were storyboarded and filmed using that feedback. In addition, we notified our viewers after each new video was completed, so they could update and enhance their suggested topics. Jeremy used the feedback right up to the end of the series to make the series as close as possible to "real-world." A special thank you to the 2,759 viewers that helped make this series possible.
Some of the topics Jeremy covers in this series include: GNS3 foundations, fundamentals of Cisco devices, the Cisco IOS, and big picture network concepts. See the video promo about this series from Jeremy himself here.
When you combine our ICND1 and ICND2 series with this new CCNA labs series, you have what you need to pass the test, get the job, and be confident that you can perform the job. Click here to see the details of that package deal.
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