Certifications / Cisco

CCNA v3.0: Everything You Need to Know

by Team Nuggets
CCNA v3.0: Everything You Need to Know picture: A
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Published on September 21, 2016

Update: CBT Nuggets now has both CCENT/CCNA ICDN1 100-105 and ICDN2 200-105 training available online. Happy training, and good luck!

With the CCNAv2 exam sunsetting this week, you now have only one option: Take the new CCNAv3 exam.

In this webinar, CBT Nuggets Cisco expert Jeremy Cioara reviews the structure of the new CCNAv3 exam, topics it covers, and the skills you'll need to learn to be successful.

He also answered questions such as:

What hardware would you recommend for the CCNAv3 lab? (31:20)

Will MPLS be on the exam? (31:39)

Can QoS be explained easily? (32:18)

How can I build a CCNA home lab? Watch Jeremy's last webinar, Building a CCNA Home Lab.

Why use hardware when GNS3 is better and cheaper? (33:33)

When will Jeremy's CCENT training be completed? Answer: Sept. 30, 2016. Start training today!

Will IPv6 on the exam? (35:40)

You can also take a look at our other blog posts from this week, including Understanding Cisco Certifications (another video with Jeremy Cioara), CCNAv3: The Full Story, and a look at why and how IT certifications change.

Start training for the CCENT/CCNA ICDN1 100-105, or ICDN2 200-105 exams today!

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