Certifications / Cisco

5 Reasons to Learn VIRL

by Raju Woodward
5 Reasons to Learn VIRL picture: A
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Published on September 3, 2015

It's one thing to learn networking; it's another to understand networking. What good is all that training or passing exams if you can't apply your knowledge to real-world situations? That's where Cisco VIRL comes into play. Cisco's network simulation platform allows users to set up network environments without needing to spend a lot of money or have a lot space for equipment, making it the perfect resource for learning networking concepts or testing ideas before implementations.

We reached out to trainer Anthony Sequeira, creator of our "Cisco Virtual Internet Routing Lab (VIRL)" training course, about why he thinks learning VIRL is so important, and here are his top reasons:

5. VIRL is consistently improved and updated with new features, new images, etc. that all are delivered via a convenient online upgrading process.

4. VIRL is a completely legal and licensed solution. No more searching virus-filled web downloads for the components you need to emulate Cisco networking equipment.

3. VIRL allows for easy-to-build connections to actual networking equipment, making it an excellent testing platform for production deployments.

2. VIRL provides advanced features not found elsewhere. For example, AutoNetKit permits the automation of bad configurations, while the Live Visualization feature permits views of your working topology like no product before it.

1. VIRL supports an ever-widening list of Cisco device images and features, making the product ideal study tool for a growing list of certifications and networking paths.

Ready to explore this exciting simulator, and what it can do for YOU? Start watching Anthony's "Cisco Virtual Internet Routing Lab (VIRL)" course now!

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