CBT Nuggets

The Shawn Powers Resource

by Raju Woodward
The Shawn Powers Resource picture: A
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Published on October 24, 2014

Ever wonder how CBT Nuggets trainer Shawn Powers got interested in Linux technology? The answer is that it was free, which was music to his ears at the time. Today, he's considered a Linux guru! Shawn is an associate editor for Linux Journal and is the creator of CBT Nuggets' Linux training courses.

Shawn has been a CBT Nuggets trainer since 2009. His most recently completed training course is "Chef Fundamentals."

Below are links to everything Shawn-related, from his training courses to his blog posts.

Shawn in action:

  • Browse all of Shawn's CBT Nuggets training courses here

  • Watch his MicroNuggets and CBT Nuggets YouTube videos here

  • Catch up on his webinars: Demystifying DevOps; Hosting Java Apps with Tomcat; Linux

  • Marvel at his Trainerpalooza Office Olympics results here

  • Relive his past Trainerpalooza highlights here

  • Listen to his "CBT Nuggets Blues" debut here

In his words:

In the news:

Connect with Shawn:

Ultimate Systems Administration Cert Guide

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