CBT Nuggets

Conquer, Flashcard Style!

by Raju Woodward
Conquer, Flashcard Style! picture: A
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Published on May 9, 2016

Training isn't easy. Neither is retaining all the concepts and terminology that you need to know to pass IT certifications. That's why it's important to supplement your training with other resources such as practice exams, home labs, etc. Speaking of which, we've some great news!

Anthony Sequeira has added flashcards to several of his most popular courses! Flashcards are an easy, effective, and fun way to memorize information and identify areas of improvement.

Anthony's flashcards are available to anyone with an active CBT Nuggets subscription. Don't have a CBT Nuggets subscription? Start your free week today!

Please note that you will need to download Anki, a free flashcard program, to use Anthony's flashcards. Download Anki here.

"The software has a powerful learning algorithm," Anthony said. "Cards that students are familiar with (material they've mastered) are not shown to the learner again for a longer time. Cards the students are struggling with, are shown to the learner more frequently."

To access Anthony's flashcards, go to the course page and look for the NuggetLabs section on the right-hand side of the page. Click the Download Files link. Once the download is complete, open the folder associated with that course. Click on the file with the .akpg extension and enjoy!

You can even add your own flashcards to Anthony's existing ones if you want! Here's the complete list of courses with flashcards.

What are you waiting for? Start using these flashcards today and conquer your way to success!

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