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What I Learned about IT Training from my 41st Triathlon

What I Learned about IT Training from my 41st Triathlon picture: A
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Published on July 26, 2017

World-class triathlete Evan Pardi lives to train, just like you. In this 30-minute webinar, Evan shared a few secrets about preparing and executing a training plan.

Evan discussed how training for a triathlon isn't so different from IT training, how to reach your short-term goals, and manage game day stress. Whether you're studying for your Net+ or CCIE, you'll walk (or ride or swim) away with a clear path to success for your next certification exam.

Here are several key topics and their timestamps:

0:15 - Training for a triathlon isn't so different from IT training

1:44 - Short-term goals have long-term impacts

7:15 - Reaching your short-term goals with long-term consistency

11:32 - Managing game day stress even knowing you trained

20:39 - Final thoughts: Cross train for best results


27:32 - How do you come back from a defeat?

30:50 - Was there ever a time when you wanted to just give up on training?

32:53 - Is discipline or self-motivation something you can learn?

A final word from Evan: There is nothing more important than being consistent. Stick with what you dreamed. Even if you feel like you're barely making progress, stick with it. Stay consistent and make training, no matter your field, a daily commitment.

You can also plan for success with these blog posts:

About the Presenter

Evan Pardi is a world-class triathlete sponsored by CBT Nuggets. He competed on Team USA at the ITU World Triathlon Championship in Cozumel, Mexico, in 2016.

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