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Ways to Maintain Work-Life Balance

by Raju Woodward
Ways to Maintain Work-Life Balance picture: A
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Published on January 8, 2015

Let's be honest, IT can be a 24/7 type of job. People are counting on that network to always run smoothly. Or for their data to be secure, yet, easily accessible. So how do you maintain a healthy work-life balance, and still get the job done? Here are some ways that can help!

8. Pick up a hobby. Take a cooking class. Join a city league basketball team. If you commit to something (and pay for it), you'll be more apt to follow through, even if it means forgetting about work for an hour or two.

7. Set goals. This tip is courtesy of CBT Nuggets trainer Keith Barker. He recommends setting aside small chunks of time (1-2 hours) and setting specific goals to accomplish during those periods. When the time is up, take a break or call it a day.

6. Keep up to date. One of the reasons it's so important to keep learning is because it enables you to complete tasks more efficiently. Not only does that free up more time to do other things, but you can have more peace of mind when you're away from the office.

5. Take vacations. Have paid time off? Use it! If a big, expensive trip isn't in your budget, make it a stay-cation. It's important to take time to recharge your batteries, or you put yourself at risk of burnout. Taking time off can rejuvenate you physically and mentally, as well as inspire new ideas.

4. Make the most of days off. On a related note, take advantage of your weekends or whatever days you have off. Spend time with your family and/or friends. Take a quick trip. Don't forget about your new hobby. Make it a priority to enjoy life, and not worry about work during that time.

3. Leave work at the office. Don't be that person at happy hour who is always worrying about work or checking their email. Don't forsake valuable family time, either. You need to set boundaries, or next thing you know, you'll always be working.

2. Turn off mobile devices. In today's world of always being connected, this is a hard to do but force yourself to disconnect when you get home. You'll be surprised how much you've missed out on, and how nice it is to focus on good ol' fashioned face-to-face conversation.

1. Be assertive. Saying yes to every request made of you might sound like the right thing to do. It's certainly commendable. But in the long run, it can end up being harmful, whether people expect too much of you, or you become resentful. Learn to say no.

Here's the bottom line (again, via Keith): "While at work, work like a beast. When not at work then play, socialize, and replenish like a beast!"

How do you balance work with the rest of your life?

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