This Week: Your Worst-case IT Scenarios

We spent the last five days examining how IT pros can plan for, assess, and react to a variety of unpleasant situations. However, our fingers are crossed that you won't face any of these anytime, soon. But just in case you do, here's a look back at our worst-case IT scenarios:
You just lost your job. It might be tempting to crawl into a hole and never come out, but you can't do that. We looked at the steps you can take if you ever find yourself with a pink slip. You're Fired!
At one time or another, we've all have/had a difficult coworker. Short of quitting your job or getting into a fistfight, here are some tips to de-escalate the tension and make your days a little easier. Dealing with Difficult Coworkers
Uh oh. You never thought it would happen to your company, but there has been a massive data breach. Don't panic, just yet. Learn how you can respond, react, and save the day! How to Combat a Massive Data Breach
You never know when a tornado, flood, or earthquake will occur. That's why it's important to have a plan and be well-prepared. Here's how you can be a superhero when disaster strikes! How to be an IT Hero when Natural Disasters Strike
Your company's yearly budget has been determined, and unfortunately, you're going to have to reduce your IT budget by 15 percent. Here's what to consider, and what can't be cut. What to Do with a Slashed IT Budget
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