This Week: Why End-User Training is a Must

This week on the CBT Nuggets blog, we highlighted the importance of end-user training. Everyone from the CEO to the receptionist needs to be aware of security best practices or how to use basic tools in Microsoft Office. Otherwise, it's a waste of resources and their IT team's time. Read about the many benefits of training up your organization.
8 Technologies That Shouldn't Require Training, But Do How many times have you had to take time from your IT duties to help a user connect their iOS device to AirPlay or help them use Excel? We've gathered eight things you can do to help your most technically-impaired teammate become a pro in their own right.
Improve Workplace Efficiency: Train Your Users About every organization has a lot of moving pieces. Making sure your end users are able to perform basic tasks and follow best practices is crucial to your company's success and bottom line. That's why end-user training is one of the best investments you can make.
How to Keep Your Users from Holding Back Your Career If you're working an IT job, it's easy to get bogged down in the consistent flow of tickets that employees all around your organization are throwing at you. However, keeping up-to-date on your certifications is a piece of the job that, if not done properly, will leave you stuck in the past.
Why User Training is as important as the Project It happens every time. You deploy a new OS or system, and then you spend the next six months fixing "problems" that amount to user Kill. User training should be the final part of a big project and planned from the beginning.
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