This Week: Using IT to Give Back to Others

This week, we explored how IT pros can use their expertise and skills toward good causes, of the charitable sort. Curious about how you can pay it forward using your IT savvy? Here's a recap of how to seek out volunteer opportunities, skills that any nonprofit could benefit from, and ways IT makes the world a better place to live!
How to Volunteer Your IT Skills: Often, when we think about volunteering, working at a soup kitchen, restoring a natural habitat, or reading to kids comes to mind. But IT pros, there's also a huge demand for your expertise and skills. We looked at ways you can find IT-centric volunteer opportunities.
5 Volunteer Organizations That Need Your IT Expertise Today: Every organization needs some sort of IT infrastructure these days. Unfortunately, not every organization has the budget and staff to implement even the most basic of IT services. Even if you are a newbie, here are five organizations that could use your help, sooner rather than later.
3 IT Skills That Make You a Super Volunteer: We aren't saying you need to dive into cloud training or virtualization (even though those wouldn't be bad ideas), but there are certain IT and tech skills that any nonprofit could benefit having around, especially when the cost is free. Here are several of those skills!
Everything You Need to Know About Contributing to Open Source: Open source is everywhere. And guess what? You're encouraged to contribute to the open source movement. Here's how you can use your skills to help open source continue to thrive.
10 Ways IT Made the World a Better Place: We all know how much of an impact IT has made on our work lives. Could you imagine your work day without IT? But IT has also made an amazing impact on society, here are 10 ways how!
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