This Week: Security Tools for Newbies

As the demand for IT pros with security skills continues to soar, there's no better time to enter the field. Every organization must put security at the forefront of their IT infrastructure. This week, we highlighted security-based tools new IT pros should use, looked at common security threats to the enterprise, and argued whether Security+ certification is a worthwhile pursuit,
5 Security Tools for a New IT Pro
As a rookie IT pro, it's going to take time to hone your IT security skills. There's so many complex threats to networks. That said, there's plenty of tools to help you get up to speed. We've identified five tools you should use sooner, rather than later.
10 Common Security Threats in the Enterprise
Securing networks and data is paramount for enterprise organizations. Yet, it seems like we hear about a massive data breach daily. Here are 10 of the most common threats to larger organizations — and how they can be prevented.
Is the Security+ Worth It?
The value of vendor-neutral certifications such as those offered by CompTIA is often debated. Some IT pros argue they are too basic, others point out they are essential to building an IT foundation. We explored whether CompTIA's Security+ cert is a must-have.
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