This Week: Are Certs Worth It?

Some IT pros say IT certifications are a must. Others argue that real-world experience is far more valuable. In a perfect world, a combination of both would be preferred. That said, we decided to determine whether earning the following certifications is worth your time — and money.
Is CompTIA Cloud Essentials Worth It?
If you're interested in learning cloud computing technology, why would you start with Cloud Essentials instead of an entry-level cert from AWS or Azure? It's a fair question, and we try to answer it by exploring whether CompTIA's cloud cert is worthwhile.
Are Linux Certifications Worth It?
This might be a silly question, considering Linux is commonplace today. Interestingly enough, that hasn't increased by Linux-specific jobs. With that in mind, is it crucial to get Linux certified?
Is AZ-203 Worth It?
Thanks to the prominence of the cloud, developers have many certification options. While having choices is nice, they can be overwhelming. We explore the value of Microsoft's AZ-203 certification exam and whether it's worth taking.
Microsoft Plans to Retire AZ-203, Release AZ-204
Microsoft can't keep its hands off its Azure developer certification program. It's changing up one of its core Azure certifications for the third time in two years. This time, the AZ-203 is being replaced by the AZ-204.
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