The Art of Employability in IT

We spent the past week going over solid strategies that you can use to communicate your worth as an IT pro to employers, interviewers and coworkers. Take a look at our posts from the last week:
Sometimes, saying "no" isn't easy. We share reasons why delivering the bad news could benefit you, and maybe even a supervisor or coworker, as well as ways to get the news out with the least amount of dismay. The Art of Saying "No" as an IT Pro
It might be hard to communicate your ambitions to your supervisor, but we offer some key points that make keeping IT pros like yourself around worthwhile. Here's everything you should be considering in regard to your value to your company, or any company that should be willing to have you. Calculating the Value of your IT Career
Have you ever struggled to lay out your wants and needs with your supervisor, and why you think you deserve them? CBT Nuggets trainers Ben Finkel and Anthony Sequeira discuss strategies they have used to demonstrate their worth to their employers! Speak Up! Communicating Your Worth as an IT Pro
You may have heard the term "elevator pitch" thrown around. We think you should have one for your IT role. We go over the things you should highlight in your pitch that will make you stand out, and what you should omit to make yourself shine. Crafting the Perfect IT Elevator Pitch
You may be feeling the heat to always have the answer to any and all technological conundrums. However, not knowing everything can actually benefit you. Learn how knowing only the necessary things makes you that much stronger. Shaping Your IT Specialty
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