New Training: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

In this 145-video, entry-level AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) training, CBT Nuggets trainer Bart Castle covers the foundational knowledge technical and non-technical professionals need to learn the fundamentals of AWS Cloud, including concepts crucial to the deployment and operation of this platform. Learn about key services, basic security aspects, and administrative components.
The 20-part series covers topics such as plan and implement SD-WAN, SD-Access and Quality of Service solutions, enable network programmability, and learn advanced networking principles.
Explore the skills that comprise this series:
His training also maps to the CLF-C01 exam, which is required to earn the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification.
Topics this training covers include:
Navigating the cloud value proposition
Planning for AWS workloads
Designing for cloud security
Leveraging managed storage services
AWS connectivity options
This training includes:
15 hour of training
145 videos
Watch a video from the series:
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