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New Course: Linux LPI LPIC-2 Exam 201

by Raju Woodward
New Course: Linux LPI LPIC-2 – Exam 201 picture: A
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Published on January 28, 2016

Linux fans, rejoice! Shawn Powers has completed his Linux LPI LPIC-2: Exam 201 course. The entry-level, 37-video course focuses on the topics covered on the LPI (Linux Professional Institute) 201 exam, including kernels, SystemV, RAID, tuning hard drives, and more. Advance your Linux skills with the help of a Linux guru! Shawn is a longtime Open Source champion and an editor for Linux Journal.

Here are his thoughts about his latest Linux course!

Q: Why should companies train their IT professionals in this technology? What value does it bring?

Because Linux users are generally better looking, attractive office workers improve attendance, driving down sick-leave inefficiencies. Or because Linux continues to dominate the data center. Having advanced knowledge and problem-solving skills makes for better technology decisions. Plus, advanced troubleshooting skills reduce downtime.

Q: From a student perspective, what did you keep in mind when creating this course?

I tried to teach someone who mastered the LPIC-1 level of Linux administration. It allowed me to skip some of the basic explanations and focus on more complex issues. I often referred to the LPIC-1 course, especially concerning topics that aren't often dealt with. It's nice to have the earlier courses as a reference.

Q: Any out-of-the-box tips for students to get the most out of your course?

Do everything we learn together on your own after we do it in the Nugget. Then, try to break it. And then fix it. Also, take frequent VM snapshots if you mess something up so bad you can't fix it. (Then break it again and see if you can determine what went wrong!)

Q: What's one real-world application someone can expect to use thanks to this course?

This course takes you from understanding Linux to being the person who troubleshoots when unexpected problems crop up.

Q: What was your favorite Nugget to create?

I really enjoyed the network troubleshooting Nugget. It was as close to a real-world problem as I could muster, with more than one problem to solve.

Q: What's the ONE thing you hope learners take away from this training?

Being a system administrator is more than knowing the tools and systems. It really requires the ability to think outside the box. While this course prepares for LPIC-2 certification, ultimately, it prepares learners to be system administrators, which makes a person far more valuable as an employee (or potential employee).

If you're curious about how long to study for the LPIC-2 certification, we've got resources to help you plan your study time effectively.

Here's the first video in the course:

Begin expanding your Linux knowledge: Start watching this course today!

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