New Course: Cisco CCNP R/S 300-115 SWITCH

Trainer Jeremy Cioara recently completed his "Cisco CCNP Routing/Switching 300-115 SWITCH" course. During this 7-hour course, Jeremy walks you through a network master's view of the technologies that are key to networks everywhere: Core switch management, virtual LANs (VLANs), Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Layer 3 switching, redundancy protocols (such as HSRP, VRRP, GLBP), security, and more!
Jeremy shared his thoughts about the course and how you can get the most out of this training.
Q: Why should companies train their IT professionals in this technology? What value does it bring?
Switching is at the heart of every enterprise environment. Regardless of server location or cloud technology, switches still power the connectivity within an organization. The CBT Nuggets SWITCH course helps IT professionals implement the switched network RIGHT. The course walks them through the information they need to keep organizations running smoothly and without interruption.
Q: From a student-perspective, what did you keep in mind when creating this course?
First off, the course was designed around a budget: A student can accomplish anything I do in this course with (at most) three Cisco switches which can be acquired for less than $100/each. Secondly, I tried not to assume anything.
Many of topics are taught in the course from the ground up so anyone can follow along. Finally, the course is organized around a network building strategy, as you can literally watch the course from start to finish and have every element you need to build a rock solid network environment.
Q: Any outside-of-the-box tips for students to get the most out of your course?
Eat peanut butter while watching. Actually, I go through many of those strategies in the last eight minutes of the first Nugget! (no peanut butter needed)
Q: What's one real-world application someone can expect to use, thanks to this course?
Design and implement an entirely Layer 3 Switch infrastructure that's able to converge from a catastrophic network failure in less than one second.
Q: What was your favorite Nugget to create?
Spanning Tree Protocol: Understanding UplinkFast, BackboneFast, and Rapid Spanning Tree. I believe the stars aligned when I created this Nugget and I was able to explain many typically VERY confusing topics with smooth clarity.
Q: What roadblocks did you come across when creating this training and how did you overcome them?
Actually, this is now the fourth time I've completely re-recorded the Cisco CCNP training series. The roadblocks were minimal. Likely the biggest roadblock was restraining myself from adding too MUCH to the course.
Q: What's the ONE thing you hope learners take away from this training?
As with all things I teach, I desire that learners not only take away the information but also the PASSION of this course there is SO MUCH GREAT STUFF in here that should inspire anyone to take their learning/career to the next level.
Well, if that doesn't make you want to jump in and start watching this course, nothing will!
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