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New Course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

by Team Nuggets
New Course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner picture: A
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Published on January 14, 2018

CBT Nuggets trainer Anthony Sequeira recently released his new AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner course, which covers foundational AWS Cloud topics including basic cloud infrastructure, security and compliance, AWS implementation, and an overview of storage, network and database services.

With more companies adopting public, private, and hybrid cloud solutions, demand for cloud skills will continue to outpace supply for the foreseeable future. By mapping the course to the exam objectives, Anthony can help you fill the skill gap in your resume — and lead you on the first steps in your path toward intermediate AWS cloud certification tracks like Developer, Architect, or Operations.  

The 90-minute AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam is available from Amazon for $100. Amazon recommends that test taker have at least six months of experience with AWS, though the hands-on nature of this course can negate that requirement.

We asked Anthony about his new course and how you can get more out of your training:

Who should take this course?

This course is for ANYONE who wants to know more about AWS. It covers just the right amount of material across most major AWS technologies to be useful for anyone wanting to know more — from engineers, to developers, to management.

What's the difference between this course and AWS Technical Essentials?

AWS Technical Essentials skims across the surface of the AWS services. AWS Cloud Practitioner goes deeper into areas that management will be very interested in. Also, with Technical Essentials, there's no certification directly attached to that knowledge set. Cloud Practitioner maps directly to a certification of the same name.

Can a learner really get started learning AWS with just the Free Tier?

YES! The AWS Free Tier is ideal. Even if you do need to go beyond, you can do it for pennies.

What additional resources would you recommend for learners learn AWS?

This course covers everything you need for the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification exam. Just bring your excitement and passion for learning!

Anthony has been a CBT Nuggets trainer since 2012 and holds a variety of Juniper, Cisco, Microsoft, and AWS certifications. He is also a CCIE in Routing and Switching. His earlier networking courses here at CBT Nuggets continue to be some of the top-rated courses in the library.

Start studying to become a AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner today!


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