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Maximize Your Training with Playlists for Android App

by Raju Woodward
Maximize Your Training with Playlists for Android App picture: A
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Published on December 27, 2017

We've got great news for Android users. You now can access training playlists through the CBT Nuggets app!

Whether you are working toward IT certification or need an on-the-job resource, training playlists are a quick and easy way to access CBT Nuggets content. Once you create a playlist on the desktop, you'll be able to access them from any Android device.

Here's how you can access playlists via our Android app.

  1. When you sign into the app, it will automatically sync to your account

  2. To access your playlists, tap the menu icon in the upper left corner

  3. Tap the Playlists option from the menu

From there, you can view your playlists and even download them for offline viewing. Each playlist is grouped by courses, making it easy for you to locate the topics you need.

Not an Android user? We plan to add playlist functionality to our iOS app. Stay tuned.


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