Career / Career Progression

AWS Certified Sys Ops Administrator

by Team Nuggets
AWS Certified Sys Ops Administrator picture: A
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Published on February 27, 2015

Are you ready to take advantage of Amazon's staggering cloud capacity? If you want to deliver amazing cloud-based services, without having to build your own world-wide IT enterprise solution, don't miss Jeremy Cioara new course "AWS: Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Level." This 7-hour course covers the implementation side of AWS technology, including networking, CloudWatch, high-availability, security, backup and recovery, and more.

Here are Jeremy's thoughts on this technology, the course, and how you can get the most out of it.

Q: Why should companies train their IT professionals in this technology? What value does it bring? This technology allows a company to save the initial investment of building and maintaining a data center to support cloud-based applications they want to release to the masses.

Q: From a student-perspective, what did you keep in mind when creating this course? AWS has a flurry of new terms that the industry has never heard before (since AWS created them!). I had the idea to create a "living glossary" at the end of the course that I think went pretty well. (It'll be great to hear if students appreciate it.) That might be something I consider adding to all my courses moving forward!

Q: Any outside-of-the-box tips for students to get the most out of your course? AWS removes the barrier-to-entry for "new ideas" you can gain the power of an entire data center for a couple dollars/hour. Come up with a great idea and implement it as you study! went from nothing to a billion dollar organization in less than one year! You can do the same thing get certified and become a billionaire can't beat that!

Q: What's one real-world application someone can expect to use, thanks to this course? Set up a highly available website hosted on multiple servers that backs itself up on a nightly basis.

Q: What was your favorite Nugget to create? I'd have to say, "Understanding and Configuring CloudWatch" was one of my favorites. While recording, I discovered that I had forgotten that I left an RDS database running which was costing more than $100/month to maintain! I 'kept the camera rolling' (so to speak) and I think the end result is awesome learners gain an appreciation for what can be found using Cloudwatch and I saved $100/month.

Q: What roadblocks did you come across when creating this training and how did you overcome them? When recording VPC: Configuring for VPN Connections, I found that my router did not have an "out of the box" configuration to connect directly to AWS using a VPN connection. It was a blast to put on my 'scrappy network guy' hat for a few moments and piece together the commands to make it work.

Q: What's the ONE thing you hope learners take away from this training? A passion for AWS. When you realize what is possible with AWS, you get excited. When you get excited, you learn everything about that topic, not because you HAVE to, but because you want to and the knowledge is much deeper.

Ready to dive in to AWS? Start watching this course now!

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