5 Volunteer Organizations That Need Your IT Expertise Today

Giving back to your community doesn't mean you're limited to donating a percentage of your paycheck or serving meals at a soup kitchen. Those things are great, of course, but if you'd like to volunteer your time and actual expertise, there are plenty of opportunities to use your IT capabilities within your own community and around the world.
Not surprisingly, nonprofits are a good place to start. There are many organizations in need of free, experienced, and high-quality IT services. Let's take a look at five types of organizations that'll likely say "YES!" to your services in the blink of an eye.
1. Schools and Educational Nonprofits
Large, well-funded school districts often have their IT needs covered by in-house staff. But smaller or struggling districts and other educational nonprofits can use your help with everything from setting up networks to mentoring kids in an effort to help close the education gap in computer science and engineering.
Perhaps your local high school has an after-school coding club you can volunteer with or the local office of a nearby educational nonprofit needs someone to build a database. Through these types of opportunities, you can make a difference on an organizational level, and also you may be able to bond with kids and families in need, which can be rewarding for everyone involved.
2. Social Activist Organizations
If you have a passion for politics or the pressing social issues of today, look into social activist organizations for IT-centric volunteering opportunities. Whether it's a small grassroots group or a national organization, your skills will come in handy as much if not even more so than donating money or voting.
There may be a need for hands-on work like setting up a new office, or you could contribute business value and strategy by working with organization leadership. And if your volunteer work is connected to a cause you really care about, it will be even more satisfying.
3. Law Enforcement Agencies
Whether you're an entry-level or experienced IT pro, your local law enforcement agencies can use your help if you have a background in forensics and cybercrime. Keep in mind, you likely won't be able to do hands-on forensic work as a volunteer, due to legal restrictions, especially in the U.S.
But you may be able to find an opportunity as a guest trainer or expert consultant on matters of online security and safety. As an added bonus, this type of volunteering can be great for developing professional contacts and adding experience to your resume, all while helping to keep your community safe.
4. Local Nonprofits and Smaller Charity Organizations
If you're not sure where to start with volunteering, think locally. When members of your own community are in need, where do they go for help? It's likely that those charities need volunteers to assist with IT and tech areas of their organization.
The local animal shelter needs a website update, the assisted living facility needs someone to rebuild donated PCs, the community theater needs help troubleshooting some network issue those types of needs abound, and your efforts can make a big difference.
5. Government-sponsored Service Programs
Perhaps you're ready to dedicate your time and skills in an even bigger way. That's where government-sponsored service programs like Peace Corps, Americorps, and Senior Corps come into play.
With programs like these, you may be donating a large portion of your time, even years of your life, but you will have the opportunity to enact huge change. These types of organizations are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers with IT skills. You may be setting up IT infrastructure in a rural area, or providing technical education to help a community make effective use of the equipment they have.
Whether you have two hours on a Sunday afternoon or a two-year sabbatical to volunteer, there are opportunities that match your preferences and abilities to needs in your community and around the globe.
Volunteering is a great way to expand your network and grow your skill set, and it's also personally fulfilling. But even more importantly, it means you can use IT work to make the world a better place.
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