5 Salesforce Trainer Hacks for System Admins

In her recent webinar, CBT Nuggets trainer Jamie Grettum showed you five easy-to-remember hacks to make your end-user training stick. If your team is working with Salesforce Classic, you know that learning the platform is best done one day at a time. Jamie discussed why you, as an admin, should take the time to fully train your organization on optimizing your use of Salesforce.
Here are the hacks from Jamie's webinar:
03:29: Don't train managers and leaders in the same session as their direct reports.
05:51: Get leaders to present content.
08:30: Push for clear expectations for usage from leadership
11:50: Let end-users learn on their own.
14:02: Get hands-on with Salesforce!
Train your team in Salesforce with Jamie's new course on Salesforce Classic today!
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