Career / Career Progression

5 Reasons to Earn Your Collaboration Certification – 2015

by Jeremy Cioara
5 Reasons to Earn Your Collaboration Certification – 2015 picture: A
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Published on May 14, 2015

The CCNA/CCNP Collaboration certification is the newest kid on the block and it has everyone talking. Why? In a nutshell, we're living in a rapidly changing world where "on the fly" collaboration sessions involving voice, video, and data sharing (shared whiteboards, desktop sharing, etc.) are becoming commonplace. Executives and employees have their expectations set high when it comes to supporting collaborative communication within an organization and the CCNA/CCNP Collaboration certification is there to offer you the training on exactly how to pull it off. Here are five reasons why going after your Collaboration certification would be a good idea:

  1. You're one of a kind – Cisco created the CCNA/CCNP Collaboration certification to address a need in the IT landscape that currently has a very limited set of individuals with the expertise necessary to get the job done. Right now, and likely for years to come, you would fill that unique gap.

  2. Collaboration is going UP – An increasing amount of collaboration devices are permeating the industry; from iPhone to Android to full screen displays, collaboration devices are becoming ubiquitous, and so is the need to make them all work together.

  3. Every business will need this – While collaboration holds visions of video conferencing, desktop sharing, and multimedia presentations, at the core of collaboration are technologies like Voice over IP (VoIP), which is a "no brainer" setup for every business moving into a new facility.

  4. Collaboration without limits – Cisco has already released a track for CCNA, CCNP, and even CCIE Collaboration. This will NOT be a certification where you pass one exam and sit while Cisco develops the remainder of the track. You can hit the ground running and keep running…and running…and running until you achieve expert status in the field. In addition, there are no prerequisites for the CCNA Collaboration exam, so there's nothing to stop you from getting started now!

  5. New superpowers, backed by CiscoCisco online training is jumping into the collaboration space with both feet; you can be sure they're doing so because they see a tremendous potential in the collaboration space and you can bet that they will be equipping certified individuals with new tools and applications to help organizations communicate and collaborate on a whole new level.

See Jeremy's progress on his new CCNA Collaboration course to start learning today! You can learn more about the Cisco Collaboration certifications from an earlier blog post.

Ultimate Networking Cert GuideUltimate Networking Cert Guide

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